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Developer Guide


MovieApp is a desktop app for users to see the upcoming shows, book a movie and read movie reviews.
The app is optimized for use via a Command Line Interface (CLI) while still having the benefits of a Graphical User Interface (GUI).
If you can type fast, MovieApp can help you view and book movies conveniently.

Getting Started

Refer to the guide Setting up and getting started.



Architecture Diagram
The Architecture Diagram given above explains the high-level design of the App. Given below is a quick overview of each component.

  • MainApp: At app launch, loads data from the database and allow users to log in as customer or admin.
  • UI: The UI of the App.
  • Logic: The command executor.
  • Model: Holds the data of the App in memory.
  • Storage: Reads data from, and writes data to, the hard disk.

UI Component

UI Diagram

  1. The UI consists of a Login class, and a MainMenu interface.
  2. AdminMainMenu and CustomerMainMenu inherit from the MainMenu interface.
  3. The UI component:
    Allows users to login using the Model data.
    Executes user commands using the Logic component.

Logic Component

Logic Diagram

  1. Logic uses the MovieMenu class to read users inputs and execute the commands accordingly.
  2. The command execution can affect the Model.
  3. The result of the command execution is passed back to the Ui.

Model Component

Model Diagram The Model:

  1. Stores users data including the customer and admin users.
  2. Stores booking details that contains the information about Cinema, Movie, Seat and Showtime.
  3. Stores information related to Movie, such as Review and Showtime.
  4. Stores information related to Cinema, such as Seat and Cineplex.
  5. Does not depend on any of the other three components.

Storage Component

  1. Storage contains the functions to read and create the data from the text files upon execution.
  2. Storage contains the functions to write back to the text files.


Our team is going to use breadth-first iterative approach as it allows us to focus on all features in parallel throughout the version 1.0, 2.0 and 2.1.

Main Logic

The main application logic underlines the main executable conditions that make up the bulk of the application. Below is the outline of the logic:

  1. MovieApp uses the UI class to obtain the user input.
  2. MovieApp imports database from Storage.
  3. MovieApp then uses the Parser class to parse the user input.
  4. The Parser execute the command using Model.
  5. The result is returned to the user.

Given below is the sequence diagram for the interactions within the main application logic. Main Logic Diagram

Import Data Command

The process starts with the actor constructs a Database object. The Database then import the text data from the .txt files into array lists. Finally, according to the user’s login credentials, the Database (of user) would direct the user into either the Customer, or the Admin interfaces.

Login Command

The process starts with the actor calling the Login object. The login then read the user inputs on their name and password before authenticate these inputs to the user database. Authentication is done through password-based encryption provided by Java to improve security.

Admin Commands

The process starts with the actor calling the Admin Main Menu object (after logging into an admin account). The system would then display a few options for them to choose from. They can either view, add, delete, or update movies. Based on their chosen options, the interface would then call the respective classes and functions to perform the actions.

Add, Delete, and Edit movie feature
This feature is implemented by methods from the ui component, and database component.

Add movie function utilises the addMovie() property of Database which is invoked in the UI.

For Delete movie, the ui uses displayDeleteMovieMenu(ArrayList movieDatabase) to print out a list of movies, and prompts the user to enter the index they would like to delete. The database then uses deleteMovie(int choice) to delete that movie. It updates the database by wiping it clean and write remaining objects to the .txt file.

Like wise for Edit movie, except the ui uses displayEditMovieMenu(ArrayList movieDatabase) and displayEditMovieSectionMenu(ArrayList movieDatabase), and the database uses editMovie(int choice, int type).

Admin Main Menu

Customer Commands

The process starts with the actor calling the Customer Main Menu object (after logging into an admin account). The system would then display a few options for them to choose from. To view the movies, customers may filter the movies based on several aspects. They can finally choose a movie and perform the chosen actions respectively.
Customer Main Menu

Product scope

Target user profile

This app is for movie lovers who want to know movie details, make online booking, and are in need of a user-friendly interface.

Value proposition

The app is a single-user application that can computerize the processes of making online booking and purchase of movie tickets, and listing of movie details and reviews. The app will help customers to make a movie schedule ahead of time, and enable a fast and intuitive ticket purchasing procedure. The app will help cinema administrators to update the movie information regularly through an intuitive interface.

User Stories

Version As a … I want to … So that I can …
v1.0 new customer follow through with the steps provided make a booking.
v1.0 indecisive customer display summaries of several movies decide which I want to book for.
v1.0 customer I can have a “quit” command close the application easily.
v1.0 customer load the application without any errors use the other functions.
v1.0 customer see the location of the cinemas of the particular movie go to the nearest cinema.
v1.0 customer see the list of the movie and timing make plans ahead.
v1.0 customer book as many seats as it can hold help my friends book too.
v1.0 customer book as many movies available make plans ahead without being restricted.
v2.0 customer cancel any of my bookings don’t waste my money for being unable to attend.
v2.0 admin add new movies make the application is continuously updated.
v2.0 admin edit new movies make the application is continuously updated.
v2.0 admin delete new movies make the application is continuously updated.
v2.0 customer filter movies by their rating. make my decision to either watch them or not.
v2.0 customer add a few reviews of the movies convey my opinions about the movie to other watchers.
v2.0 customer view the reviews of the movies make my decision to either watch them or not.
v2.0 customer filter the movies by type, director, actors… quickly find the movie I like.

Non-Functional Requirements

1. Usability Requirements

1. All text in the system must be consistently written in English.
2. The wording used in system text must be intuitive for user to understand easily.   
3. The layout of the application must be consistent throughout all the pages.
4. The system will provide a list of options for the user to choose.

2. Performance Requirements

1. Database must be regularly updated according to user inputs.
2. Exceptions must be performed in cases of undesirable incidents.

3. Security Requirements

1. All passwords must be hashed before it is stored.


Word Definition
Admin Authorized users of the movie application that have the ability to modify the movie details
Customer Regular users of the movie application that have the ability to view, review, and buy tickets to available movies
Movie Details on a movie, including name, dates, casts, etc.
Cineplex Movie theatre where customers may create bookings
Cinema Individual room of the cineplex where customers sit and watch the movies at
Seat Individual space inside the cinema where each customer sits at
Review Comments and ratings of each movie
Showtimes Individual entity of a particular movie, showing at a particular time
Booking Individual appointment where one seat of one showtime is assigned to one user
Database Offline text files that store information on cineplex, movie, showtime, and customer entities

Instructions for manual testing

To run the JAR file, run java -jar CS2113-T10-3.MovieApp.jar